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Read more of our thoughts,
and learn from the experts.

Lost Filling: How Long Can I Wait Until I Get A New One?

We all know that losing dental filling is one of the most common dental emergencies that happens. Even if you don’t feel any pain, you should immediately get some help to have it fixed as soon as possible. Losing a dental filling exposes the tooth underneath, which can cause further damage and decay.

Tooth Knocked Out: What Should I Do?

Some events happen without warning like a tooth knocked out moment during sports playing or children playing together. While preschool children are familiar with these events, it comes appalling for adults and babies alike.

Cracked Baby Tooth (How to Treat?)

Kids are the most energetic and love to play. It will be tough to prevent them from getting hurt. But a cracked baby tooth is not something to take lightly.

What is a Tooth Nerve Pain? (Different Factors and Treatment)

You are drinking a hot espresso, brushing your teeth or perhaps just smiling, and tooth nerve pain strikes. A sharp, excruciating feeling or hurt transmits from your teeth for a couple of moments; at that point, it is gone until the next time. Even though a couple of seconds of tooth sensitivity do not generally demonstrate a dental emergency, you should still visit your dentist to find out the reason.