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If you are one of those who do not enjoy taking a trip to the dentist, perhaps you will be glad to hear that you can treat tooth and gum pain at home. As long as the pain is manageable and there are no signs of infection, you can try these home remedies for quick relief.


Home Remedies to Relieve Tooth and Gum Pain


Warm and Cold Compresses

A lot of people swear by this home remedy. By soaking a cloth either in warm or cold water and gently placing it on the area where the pain comes from, you will notice that the inflammation and swelling will immediately subside.


Salt Water Rinse

dental care at homeA saline solution can help prevent many forms of bacterial growth. Additionally, it can also eliminate any germs and unnecessary microorganisms present in your mouth. You can prepare a saline rinse at home by mixing a teaspoon of salt and warm water. Gently swish the solution as you would with a gargle. After rinsing it well, be sure to spit out all the liquid and avoid swallowing. You can do this technique twice a day for better results.


Tea Bags

Green tea, hibiscus tea, and black tea are famous for their astringent properties. On the other hand, chamomile tea and ginger tea have rich anti-inflammatory effects. These teas can prevent gum disease and help soothe symptoms such as pain and swelling.


Essential Oils

If you happen to have essential oils at home, you can make a personal dental sprayer or mouthwash to lessen your tooth and gum pain. However, you can only use essential oils that contain anti-inflammatory properties such as peppermint, oregano, and clove. Add three to five drops of the oil in a spray bottle containing clean water and use it as a spray or gargle solution. You can use it daily until your condition improves.


Common Causes of Tooth and Gum Pain

Several factors cause toothache and gum pain ranging from mild concerns to severe problems. Depending on your dental situation’s intensity, it is necessary to assess your current condition by taking note of some signs and symptoms.

It is essential to know that any pain should not usually happen even in its slightest degree. If you happen to experience discomfort concerning your oral health, you might want to consider these most common reasons for a dental problem.


Sensitive Teeth

Many people are born with sensitive teeth. Tooth sensitivity can include a sharp, throbbing sensation that occurs from several triggers. A person who experiences tooth sensitivity commonly experiences dental pain either while chewing, drinking hot or cold beverages, or breathing through the mouth.


Tooth Damage

A chipped or cracked tooth is a common cause of dental pain. Tooth damages are often manageable and are not necessarily a dental emergency. However, a severe dental fracture and trauma can become very painful and might require immediate attention.


Tooth Decay

People often ignore tooth decay because the naked eye can easily miss out on its signs. This reason is what makes tooth decay one of the most prevalent causes of tooth and gum pain. Generally, there are several stages of tooth decay. Each level can manifest a wide range of symptoms and degrees of severity. Without early detection and treatment, tooth decay will progress and reach its late stages, causing infection and damage to the tooth’s nerve and pulp.


Gum Disease

Periodontal disease, or what most people know as gum disease, contributes to tooth and gum pain. Gum disease can cause inflammation to the gums, bringing a red and swollen appearance. Gingivitis is an early stage of gum disease that comes from a build-up of plaque. If left untreated, gingivitis can reach the gum line’s inner layers and form pockets that collect bacteria and food debris. These pockets pull the gum away from the teeth causing an intense pain sensation.


When to Seek for a Dentist

Tooth and gum pain is entirely manageable by following the above home remedies. However, swollen gums and toothaches can also be a sign of a severe dental condition. An unbearable pain that lasts for more than a few days can indicate existing gum disease or tooth infection. These situations may require you to have an emergency root canal treatment.


What Is A Root Canal Treatment?

emergency root canalSometimes, tooth and gum infection may become too severe and affect the areas deep within the pulp of your teeth. When this progression happens, the only possible treatment option is to have an emergency root canal procedure.

A root canal treatment is a dental procedure that scrapes off any decay signs that build up inside your tooth’s pulp and root. During a severe gum disease, the infection grows inside the pulp of your teeth that causes inflammation. Within the pulp are several blood vessels, nerves, and tissues. These organs can cause intense pain and discomfort to the person suffering from the disease.


Do I Need Emergency Dental Care?

If you are not sure of what qualifies as a dental emergency, please do not hesitate to call our clinic and talk to a dental professional right away. Our dentists can help address your concerns and assist you with the necessary treatment options.


Final Thoughts

You can ease tooth and gum pain by following several home remedies. However, treatment of severe infection will require professional care and intervention. If you do not want to undergo the complex root canal treatment process, perhaps it will be best to prevent gum disease as early as possible.

Practicing proper oral hygiene and keeping your teeth healthy is much easier than treating severe tooth and gum concerns. In simple ways, such as brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing before going to bed, you can bring many benefits to your oral health.

It is also essential to schedule annual dental exams with your dentist to help prevent any disease and infection progression. Your dentist can easily detect if there are signs and symptoms that you should take care of.